KVBL0002125 - IFSC Code - Bank branch MIRC Code, Address details
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KVBL0002125 is the IFSC code of Mumbai Ghatkopar branch Karur Vysya Bank bank located at Mumbai area of Greater Bombay district in Maharashtra state.
KVBL0002125 - IFSC Code Details
IFSC Code: | |
Bank: | Karur Vysya Bank |
State: | Maharashtra |
District: | Greater Bombay |
Branch: | Mumbai Ghatkopar |
City: | Mumbai |
Branch Code: | 002125 (Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code) |
Address: | Universal School Ghatkoparplot No.17, Tps-5960b Tilak Roadnear Vikrant Circle Ghatkopar East Mumbai |
Phone number: | 022-22665914, 022-22556467 Neft@kvbmail.com |
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