ORBC0100908 - IFSC Code - Bank branch MIRC Code, Address details
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ORBC0100908 is the IFSC code of N C Z C C Allahabad branch Oriental Bank of Commerce bank located at Allahabad area of Allahabad district in Uttar Pradesh state.
ORBC0100908 - IFSC Code Details
WARNING: This IFSC Code may be OUT DATED! Currently, this code is not listed in respective Bank's IFSC List. Please avoid this code and contact the respective Bank!
IFSC Code: | |
Bank: | Oriental Bank Of Commerce |
State: | Uttar Pradesh |
District: | Allahabad |
Branch: | N C Z C C Allahabad |
City: | Allahabad |
MICR Code Old: | 211022003 (Old MICR Code. Currently not in the official list.) |
Branch Code: | 100908 (Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code) |
Address: | 34,c.s.p Singh Marg,nr Circuit House,uttar Pradesh,211001 |
Phone number: |
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