PUNB0147300 - IFSC Code - Bank branch MIRC Code, Address details
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PUNB0147300 is the IFSC code of Kalli Rampur branch Punjab National Bank bank located at Kalli Rampur area of Meerut district in Uttar Pradesh state.
PUNB0147300 - IFSC Code Details
IFSC Code: | |
Bank: | Punjab National Bank |
State: | Uttar Pradesh |
District: | Meerut |
Branch: | Kalli Rampur |
City: | Kalli Rampur |
Branch Code: | 147300 (Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code) |
Address: | Kalli Rampur, Distt. Meerut |
Phone number: | Munshi Lal Anand 01233-229095 |
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