Allahabad Bank Krishna Nagar Branch IFSC Code - New Delhi, ALB Krishna Nagar IFSC Code. Contact Phone Number, Address
Allahabad Bank (ALB) Krishna Nagar branch IFSC Code is ALLA0210323.
IFSC Code of Krishna Nagar Branch - Allahabad Bank (ALB)
WARNING: This IFSC Code may be OUT DATED! Currently, this code is not listed in respective Bank's IFSC List. Please avoid this code and contact the respective Bank!
Bank: | Allahabad Bank |
Branch: | Krishna Nagar |
IFSC Code: | |
MICR Code: | |
State: | Delhi |
District: | New Delhi |
City: | Delhi |
Branch Code: | 210323 (Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code) |
Postal Address of Allahabad Bank (ALB) Krishna Nagar branch
341, A, 8, Murari Bhawan, Krishna Nagar Main Road
Contact Number of Allahabad Bank (ALB) Krishna Nagar branch
Contact Number: 11 22093256, 044 28134300 / 180042500000
Email address of Allahabad Bank (ALB) Krishna Nagar branch
Email: /
Krishna Nagar Branch - Allahabad Bank IFSC, address, branch phone number, manager contact number, email address
Allahabad Bank - Krishna Nagar is located at Delhi state, New Delhi district, Delhi city and the bank branch's address is [341, A, 8, Murari Bhawan, Krishna Nagar Main Road]. Contact phone number / numbers - 11 22093256.
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- Bindapur
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- Chandni Chowk
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- Daryaganj New Delhi
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- Dhansa
- Drm Office
- Dwarka
- East Patel Nagar
- Fatehpur Faridabad
- Green Park
- Gurgaon
- Hauz Qazi
- Industrial Finance Branch New Delhi
- Ingraham Institute Ghaziabad
- International Br
- Janakpuri
- Kakrola
- Karol Bagh
- Krishna Nagar
- Lajpat Nagar
- Laxmi Nagar
- Mangolpur Kalan
- Mayapuri
- Navyug Market
- Nehru Place New Delhi
- New Delhi Amar Colony
- New Rajender Nagar
- Newada
- Nit Faridabad
- Noida Sec 10
- Noida Sec 44
- Okhla
- Paharganj
- Parliament Street New Delhi
- Paschim Vihar
- Patparganj
- Pitampura
- Rajokri
- Rajouri Garden
- Rohini
- Sadar Bazaar
- Sam Large
- Scindia House
- South Extn
- Tilaknagar
- Timarpur
- Tuglakabad
- Vasundhara Gzb
- Wazirpur
- Wrightganj
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