All Canara Bank (cab) branches in Kozhikode District with IFSC Code

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Branch wise list of Canara Bank (CAB) in Kozhikode

Branches in Kozhikode District

Canara Bank has following branches in Kozhikode district. List as follows: Adivaram, Athiyodi, Badagara, Balussery, Balussery Ii, Calicut, Calicut Chalapuram, Calicut Westhill, Chelannur, Cherooty Road Main Calicut, Cheruvannur, Elettil, Feroke, Kadalundi, Kakkodi, Koduvally, Koduvally Ii, Koombara, Koyilandy Quilandy Ii, Kozhikode Cherooty Road Main Ii, Kozhikode Kunduparamba, Kozhikode Malaparamba, Kozhikode Mankav, Kozhikode Mavoor Road Ii, Kozhikode Panniankara, Kunnamangalam, Kuttiadi, Local Processing Centre Calicut, Mavoor Road Calicut, Melady, Msme Sulabh Kozhikode, Mukkam, Nadapuram, Nadapuram Ii, Nri Branch Badagara, Olavanna, Orkatteri, Orkkattery Ii, Parakkadavu, Payanthong, Perambra, Perambra Ii, Premises Estate Section Co Calicut, Quilandy, Rah Calicut, Rah Vadakara, Ramanattukara Ii, Ramanattukara Kozhikode Dist , Spld Mid Corporate Br Kozhikode, Ssi Branch Calicut, Thalakulathur, Thamarassery, Thamarassery Ii, Thottilpalam, Tuneri, Vadakara Badagara Ii, Vattoli, Vellimadakunnu Calicut and Villiapally. You can find bank codes using the branch links.