Prathama Bank Akrauli Branch IFSC Code - Sambhal. Contact Phone Number, Address
Prathama Bank Akrauli branch IFSC Code is PRTH0016381.
IFSC Code of Akrauli Branch - Prathama Bank
WARNING: This IFSC Code may be OUT DATED! Currently, this code is not listed in respective Bank's IFSC List. Please avoid this code and contact the respective Bank!
Bank: | Prathama Bank |
Branch: | Akrauli |
IFSC Code: | |
State: | Uttar Pradesh |
District: | Sambhal |
City: | Sambhal |
Branch Code: | 016381 (Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code) |
Postal Address of Prathama Bank Akrauli branch
Vill.and Po-akrauli, Teh- Chandausi, Distt. Sambhal
Contact Number of Prathama Bank Akrauli branch
Contact Number: 7055715381, 1800 1807777
Akrauli Branch - Prathama Bank IFSC, address, branch phone number, manager contact number, email address
Prathama Bank - Akrauli is located at Uttar Pradesh state, Sambhal district, Sambhal city and the bank branch's address is [Vill.and Po-akrauli, Teh- Chandausi, Distt. Sambhal]. Contact phone number / numbers - 7055715381.
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Some Nearest Prathama Bank branches in Sambhal
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- Baripur Bhamraua
- Bhatpura
- Chandbar
- Dheemar Kheri
- Fareed Pur Kaushal
- Firozpur
- Hazrat Nagargadhi
- Hisampur
- Kaneta Nikat Behjoi
- Ladam Sarai
- Mai
- Mandawali Rasoolpur
- Mubarakpur Band
- Nai Basti Hatim Sarai
- Narangpur
- Prathama Bank
- Raholi
- Rai Satti
- Rampura
- Rasoolpur Dhatra
- Ratupur
- Rustamnagar Niyamali
- Salakhana
- Salarpur Kalan
- Shahpur Chamaran
- Sihawali
- Turtipur Illaha
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