Punjab And Sind Bank Jaipur L B S College Branch IFSC Code - Jaipur, PSB Jaipur L B S College IFSC Code. Contact Phone Number, Address

Punjab And Sind Bank (PSB) Jaipur L B S College branch IFSC Code is PSIB0000607.

IFSC Code of Jaipur L B S College Branch - Punjab And Sind Bank (PSB)


Punjab And Sind Bank


Jaipur L B S College

IFSC Code:








Branch Code:

000607 (Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code)

Postal Address of Punjab And Sind Bank (PSB) Jaipur L B S College branch

L.b.s College, Jaipur, Rajasthan-302004

Contact Number of Punjab And Sind Bank (PSB) Jaipur L B S College branch

Contact Number: 0141 2624714, 1800 4198300

Email address of Punjab And Sind Bank (PSB) Jaipur L B S College branch

Email: cmplcell@psb.co.in

Jaipur L B S College Branch - Punjab And Sind Bank IFSC, address, branch phone number, manager contact number, email address

Punjab And Sind Bank - Jaipur L B S College is located at Rajasthan state, Jaipur district, Jaipur city and the bank branch's address is [L.b.s College, Jaipur, Rajasthan-302004]. Contact phone number / numbers - 0141 2624714.

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