Punjab National Bank Naini Allahabad Branch IFSC Code - Allahabad, PNB Naini Allahabad IFSC Code. Contact Phone Number, Address
Punjab National Bank (PNB) Naini Allahabad branch IFSC Code is PUNB0036900.
IFSC Code of Naini Allahabad Branch - Punjab National Bank (PNB)
Bank: | Punjab National Bank |
Branch: | Naini Allahabad |
IFSC Code: | |
State: | Uttar Pradesh |
District: | Allahabad |
City: | Allahabad |
Branch Code: | 036900 (Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code) |
Postal Address of Punjab National Bank (PNB) Naini Allahabad branch
17, Ind Colmewa Lal Ki Baghia Main Road, Naini
Contact Number of Punjab National Bank (PNB) Naini Allahabad branch
Contact Number: 2697544, Mr.vimal Kumar, 1800 1802222 / 1800 1032222
Email address of Punjab National Bank (PNB) Naini Allahabad branch
Email: care@pnb.co.in
Naini Allahabad Branch - Punjab National Bank IFSC, address, branch phone number, manager contact number, email address
Punjab National Bank - Naini Allahabad is located at Uttar Pradesh state, Allahabad district, Allahabad city and the bank branch's address is [17, Ind Colmewa Lal Ki Baghia Main Road, Naini]. Contact phone number / numbers - 2697544, Mr.vimal Kumar.
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- Micr
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- Naini
- Naini Allahabad
- Pachim Nara
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- Prayagraj Tagore Town
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- Rapc Allahabad
- Rcc Allahabad
- Retail Fin Hub
- Saha Urf Pipalgaon
- Subedarganj
- Tagore Town
- Teliarganj
Disclaimer : All of the information is provided with care. But, please read our disclaimer before using any bank code, information from this website.