Punjab National Bank Izzat Nagar Branch IFSC Code - Bareilly, PNB Izzat Nagar IFSC Code. Contact Phone Number, Address
Punjab National Bank (PNB) Izzat Nagar branch IFSC Code is PUNB0069500.
IFSC Code of Izzat Nagar Branch - Punjab National Bank (PNB)
Bank: | Punjab National Bank |
Branch: | Izzat Nagar |
IFSC Code: | |
State: | Uttar Pradesh |
District: | Bareilly |
City: | Bareilly |
Branch Code: | 069500 (Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code) |
Postal Address of Punjab National Bank (PNB) Izzat Nagar branch
Opposite Gulab Rai Inter College
Contact Number of Punjab National Bank (PNB) Izzat Nagar branch
Contact Number: 0581-2542993, Rk Gupta, 1800 1802222 / 1800 1032222
Email address of Punjab National Bank (PNB) Izzat Nagar branch
Email: care@pnb.co.in
Izzat Nagar Branch - Punjab National Bank IFSC, address, branch phone number, manager contact number, email address
Punjab National Bank - Izzat Nagar is located at Uttar Pradesh state, Bareilly district, Bareilly city and the bank branch's address is [Opposite Gulab Rai Inter College]. Contact phone number / numbers - 0581-2542993, Rk Gupta.
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- Izzat Nagar
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- Pilibhit Bye Pass Rd Bareilly
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