SWIFT Code of Via Boncompagni 71 M Branch 2180 branch of Banco Popolare Soc Coop Formerly Banca Popolaredi Lodi Bank - Roma city in Italy
SWIFT Code of Via Boncompagni 71 M Branch 2180 branch of Banco Popolare Soc Coop Formerly Banca Popolaredi Lodi Bank
The SWIFT Code of Via Boncompagni 71 M Branch 2180 branch - Banco Popolare Soc Coop Formerly Banca Popolaredi Lodi is BPALITM1180. Branch code is the last three characters of the SWIFT Code - 180. Bank branch's details are listed below.
Bank : | Banco Popolare Soc Coop Formerly Banca Popolaredi Lodi |
Country : | Italy |
City : | Roma |
SWIFT Code : | |
Branch : | Via Boncompagni 71 M Branch 2180 |
Address : | Via Boncompagni 71/m - Post / ZIP Code : 20099 |
Via Boncompagni 71 M Branch 2180 Branch - Banco Popolare Soc Coop Formerly Banca Popolaredi Lodi SWIFT, address, branch details
Banco Popolare Soc Coop Formerly Banca Popolaredi Lodi - Via Boncompagni 71 M Branch 2180 is located at Roma city in Italy and the bank branch's address - Via Boncompagni 71/m - Post / ZIP Code : 20099
The SWIFT Code is BPALITM1180. Branch code is the last three characters of the SWIFT Code - 180
Disclaimer : All the informations are provided with care. But please read our disclaimer before using informations from this website.
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