All Intesa Sanpaolo Spa Branch Swift codes in Roma city of Italy
Find Intesa sanpaolo spa SWIFT Codes and other relevent details of branches in Roma city of Italy
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Find Intesa sanpaolo spa SWIFT Codes of branches in Roma city from Italy
The following are the branches of Intesa sanpaolo spa in Roma city of Italy. Select an individual Branch / SWIFT code to view details of the branch / SWIFT code. If you have any problem to locate the branch, please use search box. Some bank name / branch name / city names may be misspelled, and may arise difficulty to find from this list. So, there is a All countries list on menu. Some banks name may start with the word 'THE'. View carefully and find your branch.
- Administrative Unit Of Formerly I M I
- Back Office Di Rete Polo Di Roma 8001
- Back Office Di Rete Roma
- Branch 1 Viale Cesare Pavese 397
- Branch 10
- Branch 15 Piazzale Flaminio 2
- Branch 1798
- Branch 1799
- Branch 1803
- Branch 1807
- Branch 1810
- Branch 20 Piazza Vescovio 11
- Branch 22 Via Andrea Doria 50
- Branch 24 Circonvallazione Gianicolense 13
- Branch 25 Via Aurelia 396 A
- Branch 26 Viale Anicio Gallo 34
- Branch 27 Via Giorgione 93
- Branch 30 Via Della Seta 10
- Branch 32 Largo Irpinia 36 38
- Branch 33 Viale Tirreno 180
- Branch 34 Via Eschilo 180
- Branch 36 Via Nocera Umbra 188
- Branch 40 Via Cassia 913
- Branch 41 Via Asmara 54
- Branch 45 Via Laurentina 510
- Branch 47 Viale Leonardo Da Vinci 116
- Branch 48 Piazza Fonteiana 12
- Branch 8 Via Ostiense 131 C
- Centocelle Branch Via Papiria 350
- Efim Branch Via Xxiv Maggio 43
- Fil Pubblic Finance
- Filiale Imprese Roma Centro
- Filiale Imprese Roma Momtesacro
- Filiale Imprese Roma Nord Rieti Viterbo
- Filiale Imprese Roma Sud
- Filiale Imprese Roma Tuscolano
- Filiale Imprese Roma Via Paisiello
- Filiale Imprese Roma
- Main Branch Via Del Corso 226
- Ministero Del Tesoro Branch Via Xx Settemb
- Ministero Della Difesa Branch Via Xx Sette
- Ministero Delle Finanze Branch
- Ministero Finanze Dip Entrate Branch Via
- Nomentana Branch Piazza Bologna 45
- Portuense Branch Via Isacco Newton 76
- Prati Branch Via Marcello Prestinari 7
- Rai Branch Via Teulada 66
- Roma Fao
- Roma Via Salaria 1438
- Roma Ag N 11
- Roma Ag N 12
- Roma Ag N 13
- Roma Ag N 16
- Roma Ag N 19
- Roma Ag N 2
- Roma Ag N 6
- Roma Ag N 9
- Roma Filiale Imprese Roma Aurelio
- Roma I F A D Via Del Serafico 107
- Roma Via Trionfale 8688
- Talenti Branch Via Nomentana 990
- Trionfale Branch Via Trionfale 7
- Tuscolana Branch Via Vincenzo Lamaro 45
- Branch 1800
- Branch 1809
- Branch 38 Via Arrigo Davila 69
- Roma Via Filomusi Guelfi 52 54
- Roma Castel Giubileo Via Rapagnano 90 92
- Branch 31 Via Dei Castani 169 A
- Branch 29 Via Filippo A Gualterio 105
- Roma Fao Wfp
- Roma Ag N 4
Intesa Sanpaolo Spa branches in Roma with SWIFT Code
SWIFT code contains eight(8) to eleven(11) characters. Primary office SWIFT codes contains eight(8) characters. Branch office SWIFT codes contains eleven(11) characters. The above list is the currently available data of SWIFT / BIC codes of Intesa sanpaolo spa branches in Roma city of Italy.