All Arab Bank Plc Branch Swift codes in Amman city of Jordan
Find Arab bank plc SWIFT Codes and other relevent details of branches in Amman city of Jordan
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Find Arab bank plc SWIFT Codes of branches in Amman city from Jordan
The following are the branches of Arab bank plc in Amman city of Jordan. Select an individual Branch / SWIFT code to view details of the branch / SWIFT code. If you have any problem to locate the branch, please use search box. Some bank name / branch name / city names may be misspelled, and may arise difficulty to find from this list. So, there is a All countries list on menu. Some banks name may start with the word 'THE'. View carefully and find your branch.
- Abdoun Branch
- Abdali Branch
- Abu Alanda
- Al Jubeiha Branch
- Central Operations Unit Trade Finance Services
- Centralized Inward Transfers Dept
- Centralized Outward Transfers Dept
- Centralized Salaries Unit
- Fifth Circle Branch
- Gardens Branch
- General Secretariat Department
- Head Office
- International Banking Division
- Jabal Amman Branch
- Jabal Hussein Branch
- Jabal Luweibdeh Branch
- Jordan Branches Centre
- King Faisal Street
- Mahatia Street Branch
- Mecca Street Branch
- Operations Division
- Private Banking Department 6
- Quraysh Street Branch
- Rabia Branch
- Shmeisani Branch
- Suwaifeyya Branch
- Suweileh Branch
- Test Key Department
- University Street
- Wadi Seer Branch
- Wahdat Branch
Arab Bank Plc branches in Amman with SWIFT Code
SWIFT code contains eight(8) to eleven(11) characters. Primary office SWIFT codes contains eight(8) characters. Branch office SWIFT codes contains eleven(11) characters. The above list is the currently available data of SWIFT / BIC codes of Arab bank plc branches in Amman city of Jordan.