Uco Bank Kohala Branch IFSC Code - Jalandhar. Contact Phone Number, Address
Uco Bank Kohala branch IFSC Code is UCBA0001102.
IFSC Code of Kohala Branch - Uco Bank
Bank: | Uco Bank |
Branch: | Kohala |
IFSC Code: | |
State: | Punjab |
District: | Jalandhar |
City: | Kohala |
Branch Code: | 001102 (Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code) |
Postal Address of Uco Bank Kohala branch
V & Po Kohaladistt Jallandhar 144002
Contact Number of Uco Bank Kohala branch
Contact Number: 2798071, 1800 2740123
Email address of Uco Bank Kohala branch
Email: uco.custcare@ucobank.co.in / customercare.calcutta@ucobank.co.in
Kohala Branch - Uco Bank IFSC, address, branch phone number, manager contact number, email address
Uco Bank - Kohala is located at Punjab state, Jalandhar district, Kohala city and the bank branch's address is [V & Po Kohaladistt Jallandhar 144002]. Contact phone number / numbers - 2798071.
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Some Nearest Uco Bank branches in Jalandhar
- Adampur Doaba
- Bhargava Camp Jalandhar
- Bhogpur
- Guru Gobind Singh Avenue
- Industrial Area Jalandhar
- Jalandhar Cantt
- Jalandhar City
- Jandiala
- Jandu Singha
- Jullundur Gurmandi
- Kalra
- Kapurthala Road
- Khojkipur
- Kohala
- Lasuri
- Lohian Khas
- Mithapur Road
- Model House
- Nangal Shama
- New Subzi Mandi
- Noormahal
- Partabpura
- Raipur Rasulpur
- Talwan
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