Union Bank of India Kodumuru Branch MICR Code - Kurnool, UBI Kodumuru MICR Code
The MICR Code of Kodumuru branch - Union Bank of India is . Bank branch's details are listed below.
MICR Code of Kodumuru Branch - UNION BANK OF INDIA (UBI)
Bank: | Union Bank of India |
Branch: | Kodumuru |
MICR Code: | Not yet updated |
State: | Andhra Pradesh |
District: | Kurnool |
City: | Kodumur, Kurnool |
IFSC Code: | Click here for IFSC Code of Kodumuru Branch - Union Bank of India |
Kodumuru Branch - Union Bank of India MICR Code
Union Bank of India - Kodumuru is located at Andhra Pradesh state, Kurnool district, Kodumur, Kurnool city.
The MICR Code is . Bank branch's details are listed above.
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Disclaimer: All of the information is provided with care. But, please read our disclaimer before using any bank code, information from this website.
Nearest Union Bank Of India branches in Kurnool
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- Allagadda
- Ashoknagar Kurnool
- Atmakur
- Ayyalur
- Banaganapalle
- Bandi Atmakur
- Bethamcherla
- Budhavarpet Kurnool
- Ch Malkapuram
- Currency Chest Kurnool
- Dhone
- Dinnedevarapadu
- Dornipadu
- G P R Engineering College
- Ghani
- Kallur
- Kodumuru
- Koilkuntla
- Konidela
- Krishna Nagar
- Krishnaraopet
- Kurnool
- Kurnool Main
- Kurnool Medical Col
- Laddagiri
- Lakshmipuram
- Mahanandi
- Munagalapadu
- Nandayal Road
- Nandikotkur
- Nandyal
- Nannur
- Narsingaraopet Kurn
- New R T C Bus Stand
- Ngo Colony
- Noonepalli Nandya
- Padmavathi Nagar
- Palkur
- Pamulapadu
- Panyam
- Park Road
- Patiikonda
- Peapully
- Peddachintakunta
- Perusomula
- Poluru
- Raithu Nagaram
- Ramapuram
- Regional Office Kurnool
- Sadapuram Arekal
- Santha Juturu
- Sirvel
- Sri Ramakrishna Degree College
- Srinivasanagar Nandyal
- Srisailam
- Udumalpuram
- Urukunda
- Veldurthy
- Venkata Ramana Colony
- Vignan Mandir Vidya
- Yemmiganur