PMAY Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

Posted in: News | on: January 21, 2020


Everything about Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)

India is a developing country. While one part of our country has been progressing economically, there is another part which is still lagging behind. The rich being residing in posh houses whereas the poor are being residing in slum areas without proper housing and sanitation. For these poor people, to possess a good house with basic facilities is a dream. With the introduction of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana schemein India, our Indian Government has made their dreams a reality.

What is Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana?

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)- 'Housing for All' is a mission launched by our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi on June 1, 2015 under the control of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, with the aim of providing pucca house for poor people at affordable price. The mission was launched on a strong motive to achieve the target of transforming urban and rural areas by providing eco-friendly pucca house with water connection, electricity and toilet facilities for all people in India within 2022.

There are two sections under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Scheme. They are,

  • Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Urban (PMAY-U)
  • Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Gramin (PMAY-G)

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Urban (PMAY-U)

  • Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Housing for All (Urban) is a scheme implemented in the year 2015 which aims at transforming urban areas by providing affordable house with all basic facilities to the homeless poor urbans.
  • Under this scheme,the implementing agencies will be provided central assistance through States and UTs to construct houses to all eligible families.
  • Under this scheme, the female head of the family should be the owner of the house.

According to the land availability, finance and income of the beneficiaries, this scheme offers four options. They are,

  • In-situ Slum Redevelopment
  • Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme
  • Affordable Housing in Partnership
  • Beneficiary-Led individual house Construction/ enhancements

In-situ Slum Redevelopment (ISSR)

  • In In-situ Slum Redevelopment, the eligible slum dwellers will be allotted Rs.1 lakh of Central Assistance to build houses.
  • It uses land as a resource with private participation.
  • The grants for the slum redevelopment project will be allotted to the States/UTs.

Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS)

  • Beneficiaries belonging to Economically Weaker Section (EWS)/ Low Income Group (LIG), Middle Income Group (MIG)-I, Middle Income Group (MIG)-II who seek housing loans for constructing house from Housing and Finance Companies and Banks are provided up to 2.67 lakh as Interest Subsidy.
S.No Category Loan Amount Carpet area Interest Subsidy Tenure



Rs. 6 lakhs

60 sq.m

6.5% p.a

20 years



Rs. 9 lakhs

160 sq.m

4% p.a

20 years



Rs. 12 lakhs

200 sq.m

3% p.a

20 years

Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP)

  • Under this section, 35% of houses are allotted to the EWS category in which a single project comprises of up to 250 houses.
  • In such projects, Rs.1.5 lakh of Central Assistance is provided to EWS house.

Beneficiary-Led individual house Construction enhancements (BLC)

  • Individual eligible families who belong to EWS category are given Central Assistance of Rs.1.5 lakh to enhance existing house or to build new house.
  • This section is available for the beneficiaries who are not able to take the benefits from other sections of the scheme.
  • In case the beneficiary possesses a pucca house with carpet area or a semi-pucca house which lacks any one facility,it comes under the subject of enhancement to ULB/ State structural safety of the house.

Economically Weaker Section (EWS) : Annual Income upto Rs.3 lakhs

Low Income Group (LIG) : Annual Income between Rs. 3 lakhs to  Rs.6 lakhs

Middle Income Group (MIG)- I : Annual Income between Rs. 6 lakhs to Rs. 12 lakhs

Middle Income Group (MIG)- II : Annual  Income between Rs. 12 lakhs to Rs. 18 lakhs

Who are the beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Scheme?

  • One should possess a family with husband, wife and unmarried daughters/sons.
  • One should not possess any pucca house in his/her name or in the name of the anyone in his/her family in India in order to gain Central Assistance in the scheme.
  • An Adult earning family member regardless of marital status is also considered as beneficiary.
  • Anyone having pucca house within 21 are considered for enhancement of existing house.
  • Persons belonging to EWS category are eligible for the Central Assistance of all the four sections under the scheme. On the other hand, LIG/MIG are eligible only for CLSS section of the scheme.

What are the Key Features of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Scheme?

  • Beneficiaries will be provided 6.5% of Interest Subsidy on home loan for a period of 15 years.
  • Under this scheme, differently abled and senior citizens will be given priority in the allocation of ground floor.
  • While constructing houses, sustainable technologies and eco-friendly techniques are used.
  • Under this scheme, the whole urban area with 4041 statutory towns will be covered. It gives primary importance to 500 class I cities under three phases.
  • From the beginning itself, the credit linked subsidy section of the scheme is administered in all statutory towns across the country.

Three Phases of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Scheme:

Phases Starting year Ending Year Cities Covered

Phase- I

April 2015

March 2017


Phase- II

April 2017

March 2019


Phase- III

April 2019

March 2022

Remaining Cities

What are the documents needed for Pradhaan Mantri Awas Yojana Scheme?

  • Aadhaar Card
  • Identity Proof
  • Residential Proof
  • Proof of Nationality
  • Caste/ Community Certificate
  • Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Certificate or Low-Income Group (LIG) Certificate
  • Property Valuation Certificate
  • Bank Account details and statements
  • Salary Slip
  • Income Tax Return (ITR) Receipt
  • Proof for not owning a pucca house
  • Proof for constructing house under PMAY scheme.
  • Ethnic group Certificate
  • Plan of construction of house
  • Proof of purchase of property

How to Check PMAY (Urban) Beneficiary List?

Step 1: Visit the official site of PMAY-HFA (Urban)

Step 2: Click 'Search Beneficiary' menu and select 'Search by Name'

Search Benificiary in PMAY site

Step 3: Enter your Aadhaar number and click 'Show'

Check PMAY Beneficiary List

Step 4: Now check your name and other details from the list of beneficiaries in PMAY scheme.

How to Apply for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) in Online?

To apply for the PMAY-HFA (Urban) scheme in online, just follow the step-by-step procedure given below.

Step 1: Go to PMAY-HFA (Urban) website

Step 2: Click the 'Citizen Assessment' menu and check your Aadhaar number existence by entering your Aadhaar number and your name in Aadhaar card. Click the checkbox to agree for Aadhaar Authentication. Then tap 'Check'.

Apply PMAY Urban Step 2

Step 3: After Aadhaar Authentication, you will be redirected to the next page where you need to fill all your personal details, family details, income and bank details.

Apply PMAY Urban Step 3

Step 4: Once you entered all details, click 'I am aware' checkbox, enter the captcha code and then click 'Save'

Apply PMAY Urban Step 4

Step 5: Now download the application, print it and submit it in the bank or financial institution along with necessary documents.

How to Edit Details in PMAY (Urban) Application after submission?

Step 1: Visit the PMAY- HUF (Urban) site

Step 2: Go to 'Citizenship Assessment' menu and select 'Edit Assessment Form'

Step 3: Enter the assessment ID and your mobile number. Then click 'Show'

Edit PMAY Application

Step 4: Now you can edit your details in the application form.

How to check the status of PMAY (Urban) Application?

Step 1: Access the PMAY HUF- Urban site

Step 2: Go to 'Citizenship Assessment' menu and select 'Track Your Assessment Status'

Step 3: You are provided with two option to check the status of your application. You can either use your name, father's name and mobile number or by assessment ID. Select any one option.

How to Track PMAY Step 3

Step 4: If you select the first option, then enter all your personal details and click 'Submit'.

How to Track PMAY Step 4

If you select the second option, then enter your assessment ID and mobile number and click 'Submit'

How to Track PMAY Step 5

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Toll-Free Helpline Numbers:

Beneficiaries can contact the toll-free numbers given below to resolve their queries regarding PMAY (Urban) scheme and application process.

  • 1800-11-3388 (Urban NHB)
  • 1800-11-3377 (Urban NHB)
  • 1800-11-6163 (HUDCO)
  • 1800-3456527 (State level Toll Free Number)

To know the list of banks, finance companies and institutions under PMAY scheme, Click List of Banks under PMAY scheme

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Gramin (PMAY-G)

  • Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Housing for All (Gramin) is a scheme implemented in the year 2016 which aims to provide pucca house with all basic facilities to all rural houseless Below Poverty Line (BPL) people and for households with house in ruined condition by the year 2022.
  • The main objective of this scheme is to achieve the target of 'Housing for All' by constructing 1 crore pucca houses in three years.

Who are the Beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Gramin) Scheme?

  • The beneficiary should be houseless or should be a household living in a house with kutcha roof, kutcha wall and with or without rooms.
  • Family without adult member between 16 to 59
  • Female family head without adult male between 16 to 59
  • Family without literate adult above the age of 25.
  • Family with disabled person or single girl child.
  • Family without any land resource, gaining wages through manual labour.
  • Family with widowed member or member affected by cancer, leprosy or HIV.
  • SC, ST, Minorities and Others.

Who are all automatically included in PMAY-G Scheme?

  • Manual Scavengers
  • One without Shelter
  • One living in alms/ destitute
  • Bonded Labourers
  • Primitive Tribals

What are the Factors Considered during PMAY-G Exclusion Process?

  • Candidates having pucca house or house with more than 2 roofs
  • Candidates owning fishing boat/ two/ three/four-wheeler
  • Candidates paying income tax and professional tax
  • Candidates owning landline and refrigerator
  • Any member of the household having government job
  • Any member in the household earning above Rs.10,000 per month
  • Candidates having Kisan Credit Card with credit limit more than Rs.50,000
  • Candidates owning 2.5 acres having minimum one equipment for irrigation

What are the Key Features of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Gramin) Scheme?

  • This scheme in association with Swacch Bharat Mission- Gramin, and MGNREGS providesassistance in building toilets.
  • It provides 90-95 days of unskilled labour wage under MGNREGS for building houses.
  • It provides financial assistance as well as technical assistance during construction of houses.
  • The unit size of a house has been increased from 20 sq.m to 25 sq.m.
  • The unit assistance for plains has been increased from Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 1.20 lakh and for hilly and difficult areas, it has been enhanced from Rs.75,000 to Rs. 1.30 lakh.
  • Apart from that, the beneficiaries are provided with the facility to get the loan amount of up to Rs. 70,000 for building house.
  • This scheme focuses on constructing houses using trained masons, local construction materials with suitable designs.
  • This scheme provides essential facilities like toilet, water, electricity, cooking gas etc., in convergence with other government schemes.
  • Beneficiaries will be allocated funds electronically or through Aadhaar linked Post Office accounts.

The beneficiaries for PMAY Gramin scheme are chosen according to their Socio-economic criteria. You cannot apply for this scheme directly in online. The beneficiary list will be created through AwaasSoft App.Only selected beneficiaries verified by the Gram Sabha will be sanctioned for this scheme.

How to Check PMAY (Gramin) Beneficiary Status?

  • Step 1: Visit the PMAY- G official site
  • Step 2: Click the 'Stakeholders' menu and select 'IAY/PMAYG Beneficiary'
  • Step 3: On the next page, enter your registration number and click 'Submit'.

If you don't have registration number, then click 'Advanced Search' and select your state, district, block, panchayat, scheme name, name, sanction order, BPL number, father/ husband name, financial year and account no. Then click 'Search'

How much Interest Subsidy will be given for home loan in PMAY-G?

PMAY-G provides interest subsidy at the rate of 6% p.a for the loan amount of up to Rs. 6 lakhs to its beneficiaries.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Gramin) Toll-Free Helpline Numbers:

Beneficiaries can contact the toll-free numbers given below to resolve their queries regarding scheme and application process.

  • 1800-11-6446
  • 1800-11-8111


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